Rank Word Hits
81  narrow 1
83  flour 0
99  monkey 1
224  bend 1
271  arrange 2
302  edge 0
378  ability 1
402  below 1
404  gather 2
414  mouse 0
419  steal 1
421  mend 1
423  flood 1
424  wave 1
435  dig 0
445  thus 0
469  board 2
497  damage 2
500  bottom 2
504  shame 2
518  request 2
533  seek 2
544  abuse 2
550  rough 0
567  branch 1
571  funny 2
586  track 1
587  measure 0
597  issue 2
599  trade 2
604  dust 1
606  arise 0
609  loose 0
618  court 0
622  hollow 1
639  struggle 1
641  soil 2
647  fan 2
649  beyond 1
662  plate 2
663  establish 0
670  chest 0
675  apply 0
678  obtain 0
683  broad 1
690  jealous 2
695  knowledge 1
705  beard 2
722  bitter 2
724  clever 2
727  sweat 1
745  burden 1
750  similar 1
760  dawn 0
762  benefit 2
780  attack 2
781  stomach 2
782  sharp 2
783  value 0
786  path 2
788  chase 2
790  provide 2
804  shift 2
812  accompany 1
817  acquire 0
824  stream 0
827  shout 2
829  shade 2
832  divide 1
837  stir 0
844  roll 1
845  soft 1
849  delay 1
850  plain 0
857  reveal 1
859  pattern 0
864  hole 1
868  smooth 1
869  property 2
872  melt 1
873  cheek 2
875  needle 2
877  scratch 1
880  average 2
882  blanket 2
883  especially 0
884  tough 2
887  huge 2
888  character 2
889  slip 1
891  achieve 1
892  separate 0
896  praise 2
897  wise 1
898  article 1
907  row 1
910  disappear 2
915  drag 1
928  lean 2
930  challenge 2

This table lists top English words searched on Tatoeba which have less than 3 Vietnamese translations in the corpus.

Words which appear for the first time in the list are shown in bold type.

Please report any spelling mistakes by sending me a message.

Tatoeba version