Rank Word Hits
81  narrow 0
83  flour 0
99  monkey 1
108  thick 2
109  throw 0
206  choose 2
217  abandon 2
224  bend 2
226  yellow 2
240  avoid 0
271  arrange 2
280  sink 1
288  therefore 1
292  plant 1
300  wet 2
302  edge 0
352  feed 1
354  however 2
358  root 0
367  advice 2
372  although 1
402  below 1
404  gather 0
418  pour 1
421  mend 2
427  neck 2
428  brain 1
435  dig 0
440  perhaps 1
445  thus 0
446  empty 2
462  lift 1
485  attempt 1
490  dirty 2
496  thin 2
498  dull 0
500  bottom 1
509  current 1
511  claim 2
515  desire 2
516  cheap 1
518  request 2
530  indeed 2
532  aim 0
544  abuse 0
548  purpose 2
550  rough 1
555  fair 2
562  crowd 1
573  advise 2
576  government 2
578  pretend 2
581  encourage 1
587  measure 2
588  adult 1
589  prevent 0
598  deep 1
600  boat 1
604  dust 0
606  arise 0
609  loose 1
611  tight 1
615  influence 0
616  beside 2
618  court 2
622  hollow 1
626  demand 0
632  accuse 1
635  April 1
639  struggle 1
641  soil 0
643  concern 2
644  brave 1
645  rope 1
656  suffer 2
659  ride 0
662  plate 1
663  establish 0
670  chest 1
675  apply 2
678  obtain 0
682  meat 2
683  broad 1
686  space 2
690  jealous 2
694  sweep 1
695  knowledge 2
698  awake 1
705  beard 2
712  exercise 1
718  bar 1
722  bitter 0
724  clever 1
727  sweat 0
729  bridge 0
734  bone 0
739  deny 2
742  faint 0
745  burden 0
753  protect 0

This table lists top English words searched on Tatoeba which have less than 3 Assamese translations in the corpus.

Words which appear for the first time in the list are shown in bold type.

Please report any spelling mistakes by sending me a message.

Tatoeba version