Rank Word Hits
1629  bid 1
1643  grip 2
1656  district 2
1743  creep 2
1753  thigh 1
1782  growth 2
1817  accommodation 2
1820  clay 2
1890  grind 2
1902  perceive 2
1913  implement 2
1952  combine 2
1982  retain 0
2023  compound 1
2026  dirt 2
2027  spark 1
2049  shore 2
2050  cliff 1
2080  drill 2
2100  trail 1
2116  cupboard 1
2131  core 2
2137  vessel 0
2157  column 1
2175  fade 0
2176  steep 1
2192  introduction 1
2207  network 2
2210  bay 0
2221  broadcast 2
2222  beam 1
2228  accumulate 1
2232  eyebrow 1
2259  domestic 2
2265  sustain 2
2268  rank 0
2269  prosper 2
2272  drain 0
2275  destination 2
2276  clerk 2
2277  substance 2
2278  restore 2
2290  assess 0
2304  lamb 1
2329  tin 2
2330  herd 1
2344  brick 1
2375  scheme 2
2387  cabinet 1
2393  layer 2
2402  conceal 2
2404  decay 0
2409  curve 2
2435  mist 1
2436  strip 2
2441  prior 1
2446  attribute 2
2449  pledge 0
2459  division 1
2473  dip 2
2496  lap 1
2497  blade 2
2500  vagina 0
2515  apron 1
2516  ray 1
2521  barrel 2
2525  currency 0
2530  tension 1
2540  concrete 2
2541  craft 1
2546  instance 0
2547  descend 2
2557  shield 2
2560  skull 2
2568  commission 1
2572  vein 1
2574  claw 1
2575  despair 0
2608  fatigue 0
2613  grief 0
2627  enhance 1
2647  maintenance 1
2658  powder 1
2663  stumble 2
2680  peer 1
2697  settlement 1
2705  blend 1
2717  outline 0
2719  outstanding 1
2727  litter 2
2728  sequence 1
2729  cushion 0
2735  ginger 1
2736  tray 0
2737  furthermore 1
2742  exploit 2
2754  knot 1
2766  rail 0
2767  strive 0
2768  revise 2

This table lists top English words searched on Tatoeba which have less than 3 Ukrainian translations in the corpus.

Words which appear for the first time in the list are shown in bold type.

Please report any spelling mistakes by sending me a message.

Tatoeba version