Rank Word Hits
1900  leather 0
1924  draft 0
1956  quote 1
1965  scarf 0
2001  adventure 2
2007  portion 2
2009  resolve 0
2011  explore 2
2016  yawn 2
2018  policy 2
2019  double 1
2021  receipt 1
2022  budget 2
2023  compound 0
2026  dirt 0
2027  spark 0
2037  award 0
2039  role 2
2042  assure 2
2044  credit 2
2047  prompt 1
2049  shore 2
2050  cliff 0
2051  interpret 2
2052  abolish 1
2054  define 0
2055  bold 1
2057  conclude 1
2062  topic 2
2066  partner 0
2067  register 1
2071  peculiar 0
2074  resemble 1
2080  drill 0
2081  whip 0
2084  sensitive 1
2086  distribute 0
2088  director 0
2091  exceed 0
2092  violence 2
2093  tomato 2
2095  household 0
2096  reputation 2
2098  leap 0
2100  trail 0
2101  hammer 2
2103  funeral 0
2104  bruise 2
2105  sincere 0
2107  compete 2
2108  gear 0
2115  whistle 1
2116  cupboard 1
2119  destiny 2
2120  pole 0
2126  rear 0
2128  title 1
2131  core 0
2132  muscle 1
2133  colleague 2
2135  significant 1
2137  vessel 0
2138  somewhat 2
2141  acquaintance 2
2143  enormous 1
2145  rubbish 0
2147  acid 0
2148  agent 0
2150  delivery 1
2152  genuine 1
2153  abstract 0
2154  cheerful 2
2157  column 1
2159  garbage 1
2161  specific 1
2162  straw 1
2164  operation 1
2165  butcher 0
2167  occupation 2
2174  greedy 2
2175  fade 2
2176  steep 1
2181  consume 1
2183  bump 1
2187  palm 1
2188  platform 0
2189  passion 0
2190  distant 2
2192  introduction 1
2194  bring up 1
2199  principle 2
2200  emotion 2
2203  contest 1
2204  graduate 2
2205  lemon 2
2207  network 1
2208  adjective 0
2209  phrase 1
2210  bay 0
2211  slope 1

This table lists top English words searched on Tatoeba which have less than 3 Tagalog translations in the corpus.

Words which appear for the first time in the list are shown in bold type.

Please report any spelling mistakes by sending me a message.

Tatoeba version