Rank Word Hits
498  dull 2
606  arise 1
616  beside 1
641  soil 2
647  fan 2
678  obtain 2
742  faint 1
762  benefit 2
805  shy 2
808  besides 1
818  environment 2
819  accurate 1
823  shake 2
844  roll 1
884  tough 2
907  row 1
911  range 2
921  bowl 2
931  content 2
940  appropriate 2
953  comb 2
966  tail 2
981  press 2
989  shelter 2
1009  available 2
1033  level 2
1064  announce 1
1084  contact 2
1106  bow 1
1132  profit 2
1134  agreement 2
1141  persuade 2
1149  urge 1
1150  wrap 1
1151  fold 1
1152  swing 2
1158  rate 1
1160  deceive 1
1167  lamp 2
1190  sew 2
1191  cap 1
1196  pound 2
1314  strain 2
1350  curtain 2
1404  grade 2
1413  application 2
1523  brand 1
1525  awful 2
1532  thread 1
1542  mercy 2
1563  proceed 0
1598  grasp 1
1600  swell 0
1609  approximately 1
1613  slice 1
1616  neat 2
1734  delicate 2
1735  horn 2
1738  sample 0
1743  creep 1
1747  chop 1
1750  insurance 2
1751  conclusion 2
1753  thigh 0
1756  promote 1
1757  recall 0
1759  underneath 1
1762  route 2
1778  quarter 0
1780  grant 1
1782  growth 2
1783  fetch 1
1786  stranger 2
1827  ache 2
1832  port 2
1835  vehicle 0
1837  lightning 2
1839  crash 0
1841  lower 1
1842  goodbye 0
1852  private 1
1853  drawer 2
1858  pace 2
1862  unusual 1
1868  cease 1
1869  ease 0
1872  suitable 2
1874  reverse 2
1878  button 1
1880  keen 2
1884  treatment 2
1885  deposit 1
1886  revenge 1
1888  snap 0
1890  grind 1
1894  assign 0
1901  throughout 2
1906  cattle 2
1907  convey 1
1913  implement 0

This table lists top English words searched on Tatoeba which have less than 3 Interlingua translations in the corpus.

Words which appear for the first time in the list are shown in bold type.

Please report any spelling mistakes by sending me a message.

Tatoeba version