Rank Word Hits
544  abuse 1
663  establish 2
804  shift 2
1081  heel 2
1111  indicate 2
1118  conduct 1
1140  estimate 1
1149  urge 2
1153  aid 1
1176  wire 2
1205  awkward 1
1226  priest 2
1246  nasty 2
1248  string 1
1263  bind 1
1270  acknowledge 2
1273  valley 1
1295  review 2
1333  display 2
1343  relief 2
1351  dismiss 2
1360  fur 2
1369  material 2
1397  belly 1
1408  coal 1
1466  survey 1
1470  hip 1
1474  sufficient 1
1477  structure 1
1483  decrease 0
1489  occasion 2
1499  gap 0
1523  brand 2
1526  wrist 0
1528  screen 0
1532  thread 2
1537  shell 1
1540  forbid 2
1544  cabbage 2
1557  ankle 1
1568  solid 2
1571  float 2
1578  trace 2
1579  hook 0
1583  cultivate 0
1587  frame 2
1592  waist 1
1599  stock 2
1600  swell 0
1609  approximately 1
1623  rubber 2
1624  feather 2
1626  withdraw 1
1629  bid 0
1643  grip 2
1653  gentle 2
1656  district 0
1669  capture 2
1678  adapt 0
1680  audience 0
1682  steam 2
1684  bargain 0
1686  host 2
1690  stain 2
1698  aspect 0
1707  riot 0
1710  abide 0
1726  label 0
1727  alter 1
1728  deer 1
1730  waiter 2
1731  device 0
1734  delicate 1
1736  furniture 2
1738  sample 0
1743  creep 1
1750  insurance 1
1753  thigh 0
1756  promote 2
1759  underneath 1
1767  essential 0
1771  strict 2
1782  growth 1
1788  pipe 2
1789  calf 0
1797  pan 0
1799  likewise 1
1805  anticipate 1
1814  bound 1
1817  accommodation 1
1820  clay 1
1823  chill 2
1825  impact 0
1828  worship 1
1832  port 1
1845  chief 1
1862  unusual 2
1869  ease 2
1872  suitable 1
1874  reverse 1

This table lists top English words searched on Tatoeba which have less than 3 Kabyle translations in the corpus.

Words which appear for the first time in the list are shown in bold type.

Please report any spelling mistakes by sending me a message.

Tatoeba version