Rank Word Hits
1145  squeeze 2
1414  humble 2
1583  cultivate 1
1598  grasp 0
1600  swell 0
1609  approximately 0
1621  style 2
1623  rubber 0
1624  feather 2
1629  bid 0
1631  bunch 2
1635  preserve 1
1643  grip 1
1653  gentle 1
1656  district 1
1660  launch 1
1662  pepper 2
1682  steam 2
1686  host 1
1707  riot 1
1714  twist 2
1715  fierce 1
1725  anxiety 2
1726  label 1
1727  alter 2
1735  horn 1
1738  sample 0
1743  creep 1
1753  thigh 1
1773  bent 2
1783  fetch 2
1789  calf 2
1797  pan 2
1799  likewise 1
1806  tender 0
1810  belief 1
1832  port 0
1845  chief 1
1849  scatter 1
1874  reverse 0
1875  status 1
1880  keen 0
1881  quantity 1
1890  grind 2
1902  perceive 0
1906  cattle 2
1907  convey 0
1917  administration 0
1923  wage 2
1924  draft 2
1928  foundation 1
1937  arrow 2
1939  meanwhile 0
1945  dispute 2
1956  quote 1
1967  advocate 2
1969  cautious 0
1974  expand 2
1975  shrink 0
1979  cock 2
1982  retain 0
2003  hence 0
2014  broom 2
2022  budget 0
2023  compound 2
2026  dirt 2
2027  spark 1
2047  prompt 0
2049  shore 1
2055  bold 2
2071  peculiar 1
2078  harvest 2
2081  whip 1
2086  distribute 0
2098  leap 2
2100  trail 1
2106  glue 0
2108  gear 0
2128  title 1
2131  core 2
2137  vessel 0
2139  steel 1
2148  agent 2
2150  delivery 2
2152  genuine 2
2153  abstract 1
2157  column 2
2162  straw 2
2183  bump 1
2187  palm 1
2190  distant 2
2192  introduction 0
2194  bring up 2
2196  alike 2
2203  contest 0
2207  network 1
2210  bay 1
2211  slope 0
2212  landscape 2
2215  net 0

This table lists top English words searched on Tatoeba which have less than 3 Czech translations in the corpus.

Words which appear for the first time in the list are shown in bold type.

Please report any spelling mistakes by sending me a message.

Tatoeba version