Rank Word Hits
224  bend 1
288  therefore 2
302  edge 2
394  strike 1
419  steal 2
421  mend 0
445  thus 0
500  bottom 2
504  shame 0
509  current 2
515  desire 2
550  rough 2
567  branch 1
586  track 1
587  measure 2
589  prevent 2
599  trade 1
606  arise 1
609  loose 2
618  court 1
622  hollow 0
626  demand 2
632  accuse 2
639  struggle 2
641  soil 1
649  beyond 2
660  exchange 2
670  chest 1
676  knee 2
678  obtain 2
683  broad 1
739  deny 2
745  burden 0
762  benefit 1
767  weak 2
783  value 2
786  path 2
806  evidence 2
809  sex 2
817  acquire 2
818  environment 2
824  stream 0
828  settle 1
829  shade 2
837  stir 1
845  soft 1
850  plain 0
857  reveal 2
859  pattern 1
875  needle 1
884  tough 0
887  huge 2
899  wild 1
907  row 1
909  base 2
915  drag 1
925  purchase 0
928  lean 2
929  seed 2
930  challenge 2
931  content 2
934  adjust 1
940  appropriate 0
942  otherwise 2
948  ceiling 2
949  fence 2
954  affair 2
956  prove 2
961  appeal 1
962  wing 2
968  attach 1
970  bury 0
977  stretch 2
989  shelter 2
1016  stage 2
1018  shallow 1
1019  supply 0
1020  maintain 2
1021  spill 2
1027  pot 2
1031  leaf 2
1035  swallow 1
1040  reduce 2
1044  process 1
1048  trial 0
1052  chin 2
1060  attitude 1
1070  breast 1
1073  community 2
1074  bet 0
1076  special 2
1078  journey 1
1081  heel 0
1083  wheel 2
1090  tooth 2
1106  bow 0
1108  deliver 2
1109  cast 1
1110  nevertheless 1
1112  ladder 0

This table lists top English words searched on Tatoeba which have less than 3 Indonesian translations in the corpus.

Words which appear for the first time in the list are shown in bold type.

Please report any spelling mistakes by sending me a message.

Tatoeba version