Rank Word Hits
504  shame 2
547  account 2
606  arise 1
643  concern 2
644  brave 2
670  chest 1
811  sort 2
844  roll 1
882  blanket 1
884  tough 1
896  praise 1
935  affect 1
942  otherwise 2
948  ceiling 2
951  surface 1
954  affair 1
959  nail 2
968  attach 1
1020  maintain 1
1034  scale 1
1048  trial 1
1059  soap 1
1064  announce 1
1071  degree 1
1106  bow 1
1109  cast 1
1136  statement 2
1141  persuade 1
1142  proper 2
1145  squeeze 2
1150  wrap 1
1151  fold 0
1155  belt 2
1158  rate 2
1160  deceive 0
1166  dear 1
1173  rub 2
1267  former 2
1285  anxious 0
1295  review 2
1304  jam 1
1307  pleasant 1
1308  tap 1
1312  spin 2
1314  strain 1
1316  pressure 1
1320  reject 2
1523  brand 1
1529  mess 2
1530  equipment 1
1532  thread 1
1534  income 1
1536  variety 1
1743  creep 1
1789  calf 1
1795  raw 1
1807  shed 1
1825  impact 2
1835  vehicle 1
1851  behavior 1
1858  pace 1
1869  ease 1
1872  suitable 1
1880  keen 1
1881  quantity 1
1884  treatment 1
1886  revenge 1
1913  implement 1
1916  pity 1
1921  expose 1
1977  nephew 1
1980  engage 1
1982  retain 1
1989  earthquake 2
1995  airplane 2
1996  mosquito 1
2000  valuable 2
2001  adventure 2
2005  ban 2
2009  resolve 2
2010  pineapple 1
2011  explore 0
2013  purse 1
2014  broom 0
2015  stable 2
2018  policy 0
2022  budget 1
2023  compound 0
2026  dirt 0
2027  spark 0
2034  excited 2
2036  fry 2
2037  award 1
2038  sibling 2
2039  role 1
2042  assure 0
2045  employ 1
2047  prompt 0
2049  shore 0
2055  bold 0

This table lists top English words searched on Tatoeba which have less than 3 Lingua Franca Nova translations in the corpus.

Words which appear for the first time in the list are shown in bold type.

Please report any spelling mistakes by sending me a message.

Tatoeba version