Rank Word Hits
44  above 2
81  narrow 1
83  flour 0
99  monkey 2
108  thick 0
185  blow 0
210  stick 1
215  wide 0
224  bend 0
226  yellow 2
236  set 2
251  cool 2
261  reach 2
270  spread 0
271  arrange 1
280  sink 0
288  therefore 0
294  arm 2
295  ground 2
298  foot 2
302  edge 0
303  increase 0
308  rise 0
313  flat 2
318  across 2
321  fit 2
322  weather 2
323  loud 1
332  bite 0
343  receive 2
352  feed 1
354  however 0
358  root 0
365  line 1
372  although 1
382  against 2
394  strike 0
401  common 2
402  below 1
404  gather 0
418  pour 1
421  mend 0
423  flood 0
424  wave 1
428  brain 1
431  tie 2
432  state 2
435  dig 1
444  charge 0
445  thus 0
469  board 0
488  calm 2
497  damage 0
498  dull 0
500  bottom 0
504  shame 2
509  current 2
511  claim 0
514  practice 2
515  desire 0
516  cheap 1
518  request 2
530  indeed 2
532  aim 0
535  shoulder 0
540  accident 2
544  abuse 0
547  account 0
550  rough 2
554  low 1
555  fair 1
558  age 2
567  branch 0
568  lay 0
576  government 2
584  grass 2
586  track 0
587  measure 0
588  adult 1
589  prevent 1
594  lend 0
598  deep 0
599  trade 0
600  boat 1
603  law 1
604  dust 0
606  arise 0
609  loose 0
611  tight 1
615  influence 1
616  beside 1
618  court 0
622  hollow 1
624  collect 2
626  demand 2
632  accuse 2
635  April 1
638  roof 0
641  soil 1
645  rope 1

This table lists top English words searched on Tatoeba which have less than 3 Tashelhit translations in the corpus.

Words which appear for the first time in the list are shown in bold type.

Please report any spelling mistakes by sending me a message.

Tatoeba version