Rank Word Hits
83  flour 1
224  bend 2
288  therefore 1
421  mend 0
445  thus 2
567  branch 2
606  arise 1
622  hollow 1
694  sweep 2
705  beard 0
745  burden 1
819  accurate 2
824  stream 0
850  plain 2
859  pattern 2
868  smooth 2
897  wise 1
921  bowl 2
929  seed 1
940  appropriate 2
951  surface 2
962  wing 1
1031  leaf 1
1048  trial 2
1052  chin 2
1055  particular 2
1092  flow 1
1106  bow 0
1110  nevertheless 0
1132  profit 2
1134  agreement 1
1137  feature 2
1140  estimate 1
1145  squeeze 1
1152  swing 1
1167  lamp 2
1168  chew 2
1183  stubborn 2
1187  penis 2
1205  awkward 1
1206  shine 0
1226  priest 2
1229  toe 2
1232  throat 2
1246  nasty 2
1248  string 1
1263  bind 1
1295  review 0
1308  tap 0
1312  spin 1
1314  strain 1
1333  display 0
1336  fancy 1
1343  relief 2
1347  yield 1
1358  brief 0
1360  fur 1
1364  stem 2
1366  bond 2
1374  corn 1
1380  extend 2
1390  fuel 1
1396  elbow 0
1408  coal 0
1409  seize 1
1414  humble 1
1415  addition 0
1431  stove 0
1432  submit 1
1438  ass 2
1444  stroke 2
1462  joy 2
1466  survey 1
1470  hip 0
1474  sufficient 0
1477  structure 0
1491  pile 1
1499  gap 0
1507  Wednesday 1
1514  mud 2
1525  awful 1
1526  wrist 1
1532  thread 0
1536  variety 0
1544  cabbage 1
1551  thumb 0
1553  liquid 1
1556  absence 2
1563  proceed 0
1567  coast 2
1568  solid 0
1578  trace 1
1583  cultivate 1
1592  waist 0
1598  grasp 1
1600  swell 1
1605  sacrifice 2
1609  approximately 1
1610  sore 1
1613  slice 1

This table lists top English words searched on Tatoeba which have less than 3 Arabic translations in the corpus.

Words which appear for the first time in the list are shown in bold type.

Please report any spelling mistakes by sending me a message.

Tatoeba version