Rank Word Hits
61  hold 1
81  narrow 1
83  flour 2
99  monkey 2
108  thick 1
143  test 1
185  blow 0
202  approach 2
210  stick 0
212  handle 1
215  wide 1
217  abandon 1
218  straight 0
224  bend 0
251  cool 1
254  draw 2
268  field 1
280  sink 0
282  mouth 2
288  therefore 1
295  ground 0
300  wet 2
301  heavy 1
302  edge 0
308  rise 2
310  pull 0
313  flat 1
318  across 2
321  fit 1
358  root 1
372  although 1
378  ability 2
380  high 1
395  climb 0
396  push 1
402  below 1
403  heat 2
407  guess 1
418  pour 2
419  steal 2
421  mend 0
422  argue 2
423  flood 1
424  wave 2
427  neck 1
428  brain 1
435  dig 1
437  upset 2
440  perhaps 0
442  chicken 1
444  charge 1
445  thus 1
450  release 1
455  disease 0
459  wall 2
466  match 2
467  body 2
469  board 0
470  type 1
477  pick up 0
485  attempt 1
487  health 2
491  wind 1
496  thin 1
497  damage 0
498  dull 0
500  bottom 1
504  shame 1
508  blame 2
518  request 1
532  aim 1
535  shoulder 2
544  abuse 0
547  account 2
550  rough 0
562  crowd 2
564  treat 2
567  branch 2
571  funny 0
573  advise 0
586  track 1
587  measure 0
588  adult 2
589  prevent 0
599  trade 2
600  boat 2
603  law 1
604  dust 2
606  arise 0
607  lack 1
609  loose 0
611  tight 0
615  influence 2
616  beside 2
622  hollow 0
624  collect 2
626  demand 1
632  accuse 2
639  struggle 2
640  opportunity 2

This table lists top English words searched on Tatoeba which have less than 3 Belarusian translations in the corpus.

Words which appear for the first time in the list are shown in bold type.

Please report any spelling mistakes by sending me a message.

Tatoeba version