Rank Word Hits
606  arise 1
618  court 2
663  establish 0
678  obtain 0
817  acquire 2
828  settle 2
915  drag 1
968  attach 1
989  shelter 2
1019  supply 2
1027  pot 1
1044  process 2
1052  chin 0
1073  community 2
1078  journey 2
1092  flow 2
1110  nevertheless 1
1125  slide 1
1132  profit 2
1136  statement 0
1140  estimate 1
1145  squeeze 1
1149  urge 1
1150  wrap 2
1176  wire 1
1177  encounter 0
1191  cap 2
1192  crawl 1
1193  defeat 2
1218  approve 2
1235  determine 2
1238  anger 0
1244  plot 0
1246  nasty 1
1248  string 1
1250  endure 1
1258  pursue 0
1263  bind 0
1267  former 2
1270  acknowledge 1
1276  wander 1
1281  overcome 0
1286  male 1
1295  review 1
1302  beg 2
1306  bull 2
1314  strain 2
1320  reject 2
1324  command 2
1330  breed 2
1336  fancy 2
1347  yield 1
1351  dismiss 0
1352  envy 1
1358  brief 2
1363  various 2
1364  stem 1
1366  bond 0
1380  extend 1
1387  firm 2
1409  seize 0
1414  humble 1
1415  addition 2
1421  wealth 1
1437  moreover 0
1438  ass 1
1447  rush 2
1470  hip 0
1473  identify 2
1474  sufficient 1
1477  structure 1
1485  screw 2
1489  occasion 1
1491  pile 0
1495  fellow 0
1499  gap 0
1507  Wednesday 2
1514  mud 2
1517  flee 1
1521  target 1
1526  wrist 1
1531  progress 2
1536  variety 0
1537  shell 0
1540  forbid 0
1544  cabbage 2
1551  thumb 2
1557  ankle 1
1563  proceed 1
1579  hook 1
1583  cultivate 1
1592  waist 0
1598  grasp 0
1600  swell 1
1601  link 1
1605  sacrifice 0
1614  flesh 0
1617  beneath 1
1621  style 2
1623  rubber 0

This table lists top English words searched on Tatoeba which have less than 3 Swedish translations in the corpus.

Words which appear for the first time in the list are shown in bold type.

Please report any spelling mistakes by sending me a message.

Tatoeba version