Rank Word Hits
5056  bureau 2
5061  exterior 2
5342  abbey 2
5670  sheepish 1
6061  restraint 1
6072  pending 1
6151  cringe 1
6207  aptitude 1
6241  indistinct 1
6269  discrepancy 1
6277  strife 2
6305  retention 1
6325  ascertain 1
6353  relish 1
6370  detention 2
6399  parish 1
6423  jolt 2
6488  droop 2
6495  scarcity 1
6500  autonomy 1
6508  sediment 1
6548  precursor 0
6550  disclosure 1
6556  stipulate 1
6570  leaflet 1
6592  shady 1
6631  sleek 2
6652  purge 2
6704  phantom 2
6761  quarry 2
6786  beacon 1
6804  overhaul 1
6806  itinerary 1
6836  censure 2
6869  oblique 1
6884  embed 1
6896  safeguard 1
6919  mundane 2
6969  redemption 2
7064  niche 2
7065  sift 2
7083  intake 2
7105  cognitive 2
7127  arduous 2
7345  bile 1
7370  scrutiny 0
7564  alias 1
7778  din 2
7783  grievance 2
8825  helm 2
8894  intrepid 2
8936  recline 1
8946  efficacy 2
9005  arcade 2
9016  compliant 1
9062  waver 1
9121  cataract 2
9155  alimony 2
9167  jostle 2
9189  abscess 0
9218  iris 2
9249  verification 2
9360  gash 2
9418  bloated 2
9517  blight 2
9540  chopper 2
9555  peripheral 1
9992  annotation 1
10048  allay 2
10052  faggot 1
10053  zenith 2
10054  hernia 2
10061  nigger 2
10064  derogatory 2
10070  listless 0
10073  involuntary 2
10076  noteworthy 1
10078  connotation 0
10087  beneficiary 0
10089  dearth 1
10090  espionage 1
10096  disparity 2
10098  lethargic 1
10106  adage 0
10106  unseen 2
10114  affluence 2
10123  mumps 2
10130  sketchy 2
10133  ambient 1
10137  rind 0
10138  dustpan 0
10141  fraudulent 1
10147  thrift 2
10149  perjury 1
10154  baggy 2
10157  parchment 1
10163  partake 1
10172  cinder 1
10178  cutter 2
10180  gruel 0

This table lists top English words searched on Tatoeba which have less than 3 German translations in the corpus.

Words which appear for the first time in the list are shown in bold type.

Please report any spelling mistakes by sending me a message.

Tatoeba version