Rank Word Hits
99  monkey 2
108  thick 2
224  bend 1
271  arrange 2
378  ability 2
418  pour 2
421  mend 1
423  flood 0
424  wave 1
485  attempt 0
496  thin 2
498  dull 1
504  shame 2
533  seek 2
550  rough 2
564  treat 1
567  branch 2
568  lay 1
571  funny 1
599  trade 2
606  arise 1
611  tight 2
622  hollow 0
641  soil 1
649  beyond 1
663  establish 1
667  advance 1
670  chest 2
676  knee 0
678  obtain 2
683  broad 0
694  sweep 1
704  record 0
711  bright 2
724  clever 1
728  compare 0
745  burden 0
746  race 1
762  benefit 2
804  shift 2
815  hill 0
817  acquire 1
818  environment 2
823  shake 2
824  stream 0
829  shade 2
837  stir 2
848  remove 2
849  delay 2
850  plain 2
859  pattern 0
875  needle 0
889  slip 2
899  wild 0
901  further 2
907  row 1
921  bowl 1
925  purchase 0
928  lean 1
929  seed 2
931  content 2
934  adjust 2
935  affect 2
942  otherwise 2
954  affair 0
961  appeal 0
964  guide 2
968  attach 1
973  burst 1
977  stretch 0
989  shelter 0
1008  schedule 2
1016  stage 2
1018  shallow 2
1019  supply 1
1020  maintain 1
1021  spill 0
1027  pot 2
1031  leaf 0
1034  scale 1
1037  swear 2
1048  trial 1
1052  chin 0
1053  earn 2
1059  soap 1
1064  announce 1
1069  embrace 0
1070  breast 2
1073  community 2
1078  journey 2
1087  mention 2
1098  occur 0
1109  cast 1
1110  nevertheless 0
1111  indicate 0
1114  block 2
1115  spell 1
1118  conduct 1
1125  slide 0
1132  profit 2

This table lists top English words searched on Tatoeba which have less than 3 Greek translations in the corpus.

Words which appear for the first time in the list are shown in bold type.

Please report any spelling mistakes by sending me a message.

Tatoeba version