Rank Word Hits
26  word 1
30  break 0
44  above 0
61  hold 1
67  change 1
75  fight 2
76  before 2
77  head 2
81  narrow 0
82  carry 0
83  flour 1
86  catch 1
89  cup 2
99  monkey 2
103  beat 0
105  bear 2
108  thick 1
109  throw 1
114  hit 0
116  face 0
126  mind 1
127  meet 2
130  agree 0
140  place 1
143  test 0
144  become 1
161  show 1
163  kind 2
172  cook 1
173  appear 0
174  clean 1
176  heart 1
180  fear 0
185  blow 1
187  arrive 2
192  order 2
202  approach 0
210  stick 0
211  rest 0
212  handle 0
215  wide 1
217  abandon 0
223  great 2
224  bend 0
231  until 2
232  allow 0
234  behind 1
236  set 0
237  while 0
240  avoid 0
241  raise 1
245  cause 0
247  through 0
248  share 1
251  cool 0
252  train 2
255  build 2
256  remain 2
261  reach 0
263  search 0
265  cover 1
268  field 0
270  spread 0
271  arrange 0
273  hide 0
275  sign 0
280  sink 0
281  add 0
282  mouth 2
285  pain 1
286  fat 0
288  therefore 0
291  reason 0
292  plant 2
293  quiet 1
295  ground 0
298  foot 2
301  heavy 2
302  edge 0
303  increase 0
304  ball 2
308  rise 1
309  important 2
310  pull 1
311  among 2
312  act 1
313  flat 0
314  decide 2
315  matter 1
318  across 1
319  power 0
320  consider 0
321  fit 1
322  weather 1
323  loud 1
325  hungry 1
332  bite 2
336  notice 0
337  land 0
338  child 2

This table lists top English words searched on Tatoeba which have less than 3 Gronings translations in the corpus.

Words which appear for the first time in the list are shown in bold type.

Please report any spelling mistakes by sending me a message.

Tatoeba version