Rank Word Hits
81  narrow 1
83  flour 1
171  forest 2
202  approach 2
288  therefore 1
295  ground 2
302  edge 2
303  increase 1
358  root 1
394  strike 2
402  below 0
414  mouse 1
421  mend 1
422  argue 0
424  wave 1
435  dig 2
437  upset 2
440  perhaps 1
445  thus 0
450  release 1
469  board 2
485  attempt 2
486  wood 2
496  thin 1
498  dull 1
500  bottom 1
503  cow 1
530  indeed 2
532  aim 1
533  seek 0
544  abuse 1
567  branch 2
584  grass 2
587  measure 2
597  issue 2
599  trade 1
604  dust 2
606  arise 0
609  loose 2
616  beside 2
618  court 1
622  hollow 0
635  April 0
638  roof 2
639  struggle 0
641  soil 1
647  fan 0
663  establish 2
670  chest 1
678  obtain 0
679  grab 2
683  broad 2
689  star 2
692  tongue 1
694  sweep 1
724  clever 2
727  sweat 1
745  burden 2
755  rock 2
760  dawn 0
762  benefit 1
774  ugly 0
783  value 1
786  path 2
794  blind 2
804  shift 2
808  besides 2
809  sex 2
810  square 1
812  accompany 1
814  destroy 2
815  hill 2
817  acquire 0
819  accurate 0
824  stream 0
829  shade 0
837  stir 1
841  replace 2
844  roll 1
848  remove 1
851  source 2
857  reveal 2
859  pattern 1
867  cloud 2
868  smooth 2
869  property 2
870  actor 0
872  melt 0
873  cheek 1
875  needle 0
877  scratch 1
883  especially 1
886  mirror 2
888  character 0
892  separate 2
896  praise 1
897  wise 2
904  performance 0
915  drag 0
921  bowl 2

This table lists top English words searched on Tatoeba which have less than 3 Bulgarian translations in the corpus.

Words which appear for the first time in the list are shown in bold type.

Please report any spelling mistakes by sending me a message.

Tatoeba version