Rank Word Hits
4870  staple 2
4885  groove 2
4975  reed 2
5015  clamp 2
5041  fern 2
5292  hem 2
5521  batch 1
5801  infatuated 1
5819  bellow 1
5843  stunt 1
6109  relinquish 1
6202  velvet 1
6251  congestion 1
6272  starter 2
6277  amiable 2
6311  uphold 1
6318  ranch 2
6353  relish 2
6369  nurture 1
6399  parish 1
6404  aloof 2
6463  sulk 2
6467  cater 1
6508  sediment 2
6591  ravage 1
6631  sleek 2
6637  gloom 2
6655  stationary 2
6657  concur 1
6660  ripple 2
6674  mortar 2
6686  shrewd 1
6694  grope 2
6706  reef 2
6716  snare 1
6751  groin 2
6776  bypass 1
6786  beacon 1
6809  resilient 2
6822  pedal 2
7092  whisk 1
7098  thump 2
7102  absorption 1
7112  aftermath 2
7123  plight 2
7152  rut 1
7304  grater 2
7345  bile 1
7352  stub 1
7637  hue 2
7662  stench 2
7677  condone 2
7678  uproar 2
7683  panties 2
7700  habitual 2
7717  nettle 2
7718  naval 2
7743  burrow 2
7747  unify 2
7772  lapse 2
7773  permeate 2
7777  rubble 2
7778  din 1
7783  grievance 2
7790  snot 2
7793  engrave 2
7796  voucher 2
7797  enquire 2
7808  decipher 2
7809  barter 2
7844  crafty 2
7850  pivot 1
7871  belligerent 1
8001  downfall 2
8003  directory 2
8015  portal 2
8017  oblivious 2
8030  faction 2
8042  oversight 2
8047  fellowship 2
8055  mantle 2
8101  miscarriage 2
8120  quake 2
8127  berth 0
8128  snag 2
8133  latitude 2
8134  spotlight 1
8137  morsel 1
8138  coerce 1
8146  viewer 1
8148  constipation 2
8159  cot 0
8162  disapprove 2
8165  decoy 1
8167  solvent 1
8169  override 1
8170  elicit 1
8176  artisan 0
8193  municipal 2
8194  slime 1

This table lists top English words searched on Tatoeba which have less than 3 Esperanto translations in the corpus.

Words which appear for the first time in the list are shown in bold type.

Please report any spelling mistakes by sending me a message.

Tatoeba version